My heart melted when I read this story... I think these 2 children are already great influences. The following story is from the mother of 2 young boys.
I was talking with the boys about Christmas, and that this year we are not going to have a lot of gifts. My eldest told me that it's ok because they have too many toys anyway. So as the discussion continues, we talk about the possibility of donations instead of some gifts. Both boys embraced this idea more than I thought they would to be honest - what kid will pass up toys?? Anyway, when Grandma asked what they wanted, my eldest said "just a small toy and then help dogs and cats". My husband's mom looked at me puzzled to say the least. I explained everything and in my son's name a donation will be made to a local shelter for Christmas. When my youngest was asked about it, he wanted to help the rain forest. So a donation will be made in his name to the Arbor Day Foundation Rain Forest Rescue. It made my heart happy that they were not "coached" on what to say. It was a discussion we had, and they chose to follow through on it.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Stacy's children...
My act of kindness is for Stacy's sweet children. I promise to pray for them every day for the rest of my life.
I am so moved by this act. And it brings to memory a few other acts from last year. Included in the loved ones that Stacy left behind, are her two children. They were 4 and 6 at the time she died... just a few weeks before the eldest turned 7. I wanted to share with you a few kind acts done for them.
Sorry to make the story a bit long... but hopefully the time you spend reading it will be worth it.
Since she was 3, my niece has asked for Butterscotch. For those of you that don't know, Butterscotch is a realistic robotic pony about as big as my niece (Butterscotch comes with a brush, a micro-chipped carrot, and a pretty price tag to boot)! As you can imagine, there were many conversations explaining to her why it wasn't possible for her to have Butterscotch. She remained hopeful and persistent, even when she didn't receive Butterscotch that first Christmas of asking. A few months after Stacy died, Christmas was upon us again, albeit a bit sadly.
We exchanged most gifts on Christmas Eve night... Christmas morning is saved for the kids. It's then that they open presents from Daddy and Santa.
My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law have never met my family, but gave me two wrapped gifts for the kids. We had no idea what they were. We would find out Christmas Eve night....
I hadn't noticed my nephew opening his gift until I heard.....
"$50?! Papa! Did you hear that?! I got a $50 gift card to Toys R Us!!!" (my nephew's eyes were HUGE)
Everyone around him: "50 DOLLARS?!"
Nephew: "But they don't even know me."
Me: "But they love you anyway"
Nephew: Looked at Auntie Robyn in disbelief.
He felt sooo rich. It was awesome :)
My niece looked completely dangerous when we told her she had her own spending money for Toys R Us... we can tell that she is going to be a major shopper. ;)
We all had a great time, and there were many smiles in spite of the impending vacancy. The next day, after the kids opened their Daddy and Santa gifts, Mom made a wonderful Christmas lunch (with a little help). When we were all done stuffing ourselves, we started to clean up the remnants of our feast; and there was a knock at the door. All I saw was a flash of Red and White, and we called the kids to the kitchen. There was Santa, bringing in a medium sized box and setting it down on the floor. Everyone looked at each other questioning "who invited Santa??" We all got the same shrug and look in response "Not me! I have no idea?!"
Next, Santa came back in lugging a large bag with him. My niece immediately exclaimed, "It's Butterscotch!" We all tried to hush her. We were desperate not to raise her hopes. My nephew was on the floor helping his sister with the tie.... before the bag was even open, he yelled "It's Butterscotch!" I told him to not say that... because we couldn't believe it was. As soon as the bag was opened, my niece was inside of it. "It IS Butterscotch!!" And it was. The bag was removed, and there was Butterscotch, completely assembled and laying down. We all looked at each other, in disbelief for what had just transpired. There was my niece sitting on top of her new pony saying "I wanted Butterscotch so much, and I never stopped wanting her! And now I got her! Can you believe it? I got her!!"
For the record, my nephew received a Nintendo DS. And there marked the day my niece and nephew met their soul mates.
I have to admit that I am not one to spoil children with many material possessions. With that said, this was the most magical Christmas I have ever witnessed. And I will never forget the spirit that surrounded us.
(Santa was in cahoots with a very special family friend)
I am so moved by this act. And it brings to memory a few other acts from last year. Included in the loved ones that Stacy left behind, are her two children. They were 4 and 6 at the time she died... just a few weeks before the eldest turned 7. I wanted to share with you a few kind acts done for them.
Sorry to make the story a bit long... but hopefully the time you spend reading it will be worth it.
Since she was 3, my niece has asked for Butterscotch. For those of you that don't know, Butterscotch is a realistic robotic pony about as big as my niece (Butterscotch comes with a brush, a micro-chipped carrot, and a pretty price tag to boot)! As you can imagine, there were many conversations explaining to her why it wasn't possible for her to have Butterscotch. She remained hopeful and persistent, even when she didn't receive Butterscotch that first Christmas of asking. A few months after Stacy died, Christmas was upon us again, albeit a bit sadly.
We exchanged most gifts on Christmas Eve night... Christmas morning is saved for the kids. It's then that they open presents from Daddy and Santa.
My boyfriend's brother and sister-in-law have never met my family, but gave me two wrapped gifts for the kids. We had no idea what they were. We would find out Christmas Eve night....
I hadn't noticed my nephew opening his gift until I heard.....
"$50?! Papa! Did you hear that?! I got a $50 gift card to Toys R Us!!!" (my nephew's eyes were HUGE)
Everyone around him: "50 DOLLARS?!"
Nephew: "But they don't even know me."
Me: "But they love you anyway"
Nephew: Looked at Auntie Robyn in disbelief.
He felt sooo rich. It was awesome :)
My niece looked completely dangerous when we told her she had her own spending money for Toys R Us... we can tell that she is going to be a major shopper. ;)
We all had a great time, and there were many smiles in spite of the impending vacancy. The next day, after the kids opened their Daddy and Santa gifts, Mom made a wonderful Christmas lunch (with a little help). When we were all done stuffing ourselves, we started to clean up the remnants of our feast; and there was a knock at the door. All I saw was a flash of Red and White, and we called the kids to the kitchen. There was Santa, bringing in a medium sized box and setting it down on the floor. Everyone looked at each other questioning "who invited Santa??" We all got the same shrug and look in response "Not me! I have no idea?!"
Next, Santa came back in lugging a large bag with him. My niece immediately exclaimed, "It's Butterscotch!" We all tried to hush her. We were desperate not to raise her hopes. My nephew was on the floor helping his sister with the tie.... before the bag was even open, he yelled "It's Butterscotch!" I told him to not say that... because we couldn't believe it was. As soon as the bag was opened, my niece was inside of it. "It IS Butterscotch!!" And it was. The bag was removed, and there was Butterscotch, completely assembled and laying down. We all looked at each other, in disbelief for what had just transpired. There was my niece sitting on top of her new pony saying "I wanted Butterscotch so much, and I never stopped wanting her! And now I got her! Can you believe it? I got her!!"
For the record, my nephew received a Nintendo DS. And there marked the day my niece and nephew met their soul mates.
I have to admit that I am not one to spoil children with many material possessions. With that said, this was the most magical Christmas I have ever witnessed. And I will never forget the spirit that surrounded us.
(Santa was in cahoots with a very special family friend)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More for our soldiers away from home....
My friend who introduced me to "AdoptAPlatoon", sent me another way to support our troops. Please read on as this is such an awesome opportunity!
Dear Angel,
This Holiday season, the goal of Soldiers' Angels is to send 180,000 Wrapped in Holiday Spirit Care Packafuges - one for every service member deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's 180,000 heroes wrapped in warmth from home when they are going to need it most. When they are, at this special time of year, so far from family and friends, we will provide them with comfort and support from home in the form of a Blanket of Belief, thermal mug, hot cocoa, hot cider, warm socks, candy bar or health food bar, gum and a holiday card with warm wishes from home.
This is a huge project and in order to reach our goal, we are asking all Angels, "Can you be there for a hero this Holiday Season?" There are a variety ways this can be done. You can send a Wrapped in Holiday Spirit care package to a specific soldier, you can send one to "Any Soldier" and--new this year--you can send a care package to a soldier in honor of a friend, family member or loved one.
Don't we all know at least one person who has everything, one who is really hard to shop for? Think of how great it will be to honor them by sending some warmth and support to one of our heroes. Once you have ordered your package(s) just email your store confirmation # to and we will send you a beautiful certificate you can present to them to celebrate your generous and thoughtful gift in their honor.
Here comes the BEST part: it's all a short visit to the Angel Store and an email away. They are currently on sale for 25% off, making the cost, just $18.75 including shipping & handling. How many people would you like to be able to cross off your shopping list for less than $20.00 without changing out of your P.J.'s? And no using all the gas in the tank, either!
To support a hero this Holiday, visit the Angel Store at To find the Wrapped in Holiday Spirit package go to the Navigation section (left side) and click on "Care Packages." The Wrapped in Holiday Spirit package can be found in the "Themed Packages" section. Or, just click here.
This is truly a time we need to fly wingtip to wingtip, Angels. So, what do you say? Can you be there for a hero this Holiday Season?
Patti & the Holiday for Heroes Team
Hi Robyn-
There is another organization that supports our troops called Soldiers Angels. What I have decided to do is to, in addition to the packages that I am going to send out to my 4 soldiers through Adopt A Platoon, I have sponsored a holiday package to go out to one of the soldiers through Soldiers Angels. It is only about $20 per holiday package. Maybe some of your other folks that read your blog might want to sponsor a package for a soldier too. Here is the information:
This Holiday season, the goal of Soldiers' Angels is to send 180,000 Wrapped in Holiday Spirit Care Packafuges - one for every service member deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's 180,000 heroes wrapped in warmth from home when they are going to need it most. When they are, at this special time of year, so far from family and friends, we will provide them with comfort and support from home in the form of a Blanket of Belief, thermal mug, hot cocoa, hot cider, warm socks, candy bar or health food bar, gum and a holiday card with warm wishes from home.
This is a huge project and in order to reach our goal, we are asking all Angels, "Can you be there for a hero this Holiday Season?" There are a variety ways this can be done. You can send a Wrapped in Holiday Spirit care package to a specific soldier, you can send one to "Any Soldier" and--new this year--you can send a care package to a soldier in honor of a friend, family member or loved one.
Don't we all know at least one person who has everything, one who is really hard to shop for? Think of how great it will be to honor them by sending some warmth and support to one of our heroes. Once you have ordered your package(s) just email your store confirmation # to and we will send you a beautiful certificate you can present to them to celebrate your generous and thoughtful gift in their honor.
Here comes the BEST part: it's all a short visit to the Angel Store and an email away. They are currently on sale for 25% off, making the cost, just $18.75 including shipping & handling. How many people would you like to be able to cross off your shopping list for less than $20.00 without changing out of your P.J.'s? And no using all the gas in the tank, either!
To support a hero this Holiday, visit the Angel Store at To find the Wrapped in Holiday Spirit package go to the Navigation section (left side) and click on "Care Packages." The Wrapped in Holiday Spirit package can be found in the "Themed Packages" section. Or, just click here.
This is truly a time we need to fly wingtip to wingtip, Angels. So, what do you say? Can you be there for a hero this Holiday Season?
Patti & the Holiday for Heroes Team
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm still here, as well as your oh-so-sweet-acts!
We've been out of the state visiting our families; and although we had wonderful visits, I apologize for the delay in posting.
Here are a couple of lovely little stories...
I went to Younkers and bought some button up sweaters and took them to the nursing home today. They were going to give them to some patients who would like or need them. I remember how kind Stacy was at the nursing home. Always a smile on her face.
I went to the pharmacy today and asked if they would let me pay for part of someone's medicine that didn't have insurance... and they let me!
Here are a couple of lovely little stories...
I went to Younkers and bought some button up sweaters and took them to the nursing home today. They were going to give them to some patients who would like or need them. I remember how kind Stacy was at the nursing home. Always a smile on her face.
I went to the pharmacy today and asked if they would let me pay for part of someone's medicine that didn't have insurance... and they let me!
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