Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hello out there.

I debated whether I should continue the blog after such a long vacancy from postings. And then I read a story that I knew I had to post...

Now that I'm posting... should I address the last 6 months? In the spirit of being a Blogger, I feel like I need to be open, but I don't want to take too much focus away from the actual act of kindness. In short, life has been very eventful the last few months. We lost Dilip's mom a few weeks after Dilip lost his job. All in all, his job loss ended up being a blessing in disguise. We were able to spend a lot of time with family at an important time. We were there for the birth of his first nephew. And around loved ones on the day that would have been Stacy's 35th birthday. We traveled nearly 5,000 miles by car (and found out that we do indeed like spending time with each other). We ended up making a move from the NYC area back to Chicago (Woot)! There have been other obstacles, adventures, and triumphs... and ultimately, we are feeling very blessed.

We're still finding our footing, but I will try to keep posting acts of kindness :) The following story honestly made me cry. It made me feel good to see such a large company doing something so wonderful. Please take the time to read this one...

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