Monday, December 8, 2008

Food for hungry children and their families

This e-mail is sad and hopeful. And I think it is a problem that will become more and more common. If you can't, or don't want to, contribute to the below cause, maybe we could all look into our pantries or wallets to donate to our local food shelters....

The "Lend-a-Hand" program was started by the Argus Leader in Sioux Falls, SD. Their mission is to raise $225,000 for the BackPack Program run by the Sioux Falls Food Pantry. Because the newspaper covers all administrative costs, every tax-deductible donation goes to the charity.
This program sends backpacks filled with food home with children for the weekend. My mother's church, Hillcrest Church, helps out with donations. They are asking their members for their help. The church will double their member's donations for the backpack program. I just heard on the news that Sioux Falls has 600 homeless children.
These children receive free lunches at school, but sadly go hungry over the weekend. A lady from the the Food Pantry talked at Mom's church this weekend. She was telling a story of a little girl who was so proud to be taking food home for her family and best of all her little brother would be able to eat breakfast the next morning.
To donate to this worthy cause please send contributions to:
Lend-a-Hand/Argus Leader
Attn: Rhonda Robb
Box 5034
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5034

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