Friday, December 12, 2008

Receiver of Kindness...

I think a lot of people can relate with some part of this story. I hope the man in it IS blessed. Read on.....

Money has been really tight lately. REALLY tight. We've been trying to find new ways to conserve our spending. It makes it hard when even grocery prices are getting higher and higher. After months of buying only the bare minimum, I was able to go grocery shopping today with more than enough money in my account. It felt good to be able to buy fruit, chips for lunches, and the cage free eggs. And it felt good to do so without feeling worry or guilt.

I had gone to a nearby grocery store that is not my normal place to go... but it had the best deals currently, so I went. I had noticed strange railings in front of the store on my way in, but it didn't occur to me what their purpose was until I left.

All in all I spent $111. And I got a lot of groceries for it. And then I met the railings again. Apparently, the store has put these railings up so people cannot steal the grocery carts. They also cannot take their grocery carts into the parking lot. You have to try and carry everything to your car yourself, or drive your car up to the sidewalk to unload the groceries there. Of course, the latter means leaving your groceries for anyone to take.

A man was standing outside, and asked me if I needed help. I cheerfully replied, "Oh no, I can manage" (as I was slinging bags over my arms with only a cart full of groceries to go). His reply was, "I insist, you don't have to pay me anything". I felt so humbled, because I didn't have anything to give him anyway. He started to pick up some of my bags, and I accepted his offer with a lot of appreciation. When we got to my car, I asked him if he was ok with groceries, and offered him some food. He said "No, God blesses me in other ways".

I know that this isn't the "thank you" he deserves... but maybe his kindness will inspire others.

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